All classrooms are spacious and have ample natural light and ventilation. Teaching aids include smart class boards and other modern learning tools.Laboratories are designed to accommodate a range of interesting experiments and learning tools. Separate laboratories have been built for Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Computer Science.
Communicative English classes and handwriting classes are conducted through teachers trained in those field backed by aids like Linguaphone cassettes and Smart class. Co-curricular programs are also conducted to improve communicative English.
Math lab is a vast set of teaching aids that helps the students to understand mathematical concepts easily. Concepts like fractions, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, geometry, etc are taught through the math lab kit, models, puzzle board, Cuisenaire representation boards, etc. During parent teachers meetings our students demonstrated the use of the math lab aids to the parents.

Mathematics lab:
The Mathematics laboratory is a place where anybody can experiment and explore patterns and ideas. It is a place where one can find a collection of games, puzzles, and other teaching and learning material. The materials are meant to be used both by the students on their own and with their teacher to explore the world of mathematics, to discover ,to learn and to develop an interest in mathematics. The activities create interest among students or in anybody who wants to explore, and test some of their ideas, beliefs about mathematics.
The maths Lab provides an opportunity for the students to discover mathematics through doing. Many of the activities present a problem or a challenge, with the possibility of generating further challenges and problems. The activities help students to visualize, manipulate and reason. They provide opportunity to make conjectures and test them, and to generalize observed patterns. They create a context for students to attempt to prove their conjectures.
We, BVN give the best platform for the kids and make them learn through exploring & doing.
Smart class:
Quality education is very important in today’s world. As the world is moving fast with growing competition, one needs to keep up. Hence, the smart class is a technological boon for the education system. It provides opportunities for the students to help in understanding the concept better and achieving their academic excellence. The education sector has seen a drastic increase in recent years. BVN had started adapting different modern teaching methods by using technology. We cannot ignore the fact that these technologies have made education more interactive and easy. Educomp smart class is an interactive whiteboard digital technology designed to assist teachers as a visual aid. Smart class provides graphical and animated clips, virtual laboratories, maps and teaching aids to help the bright as well as dull students.
A smart classroom is a ramped-up mode of education which, instead of taking away from education or the attention span of students, adds opportunities to the existing traditional classroom setup. The opportunity to provide students with quality education by helping them understand concepts better, improve their reading and comprehension skills, and achieve academic excellence.
The traditional lecture-and-note-taking ritual has begun to lose its effectiveness. However, it is quite impossible to quit cold turkey, as books and notes are an integral part of learning in a classroom. Efforts to grow academicaly is necessary to implement deeper levels of growth and conceptual development. It’s thus the education system’s responsibility to employ various technological opportunities for students’ gains.

In our BVN School, a 12.5 KW Solar (System) was Installed consisting 26 Panels. It will meet more than 50% of EB power requirements of the School. It will produce more than 50 units electricity per day.
This translates to an annual production of 50 units * 365 days = 18,250 units of electricity.
Each unit of Electricity produced by the solar system offsets 0.9 kilograms of carbon emissions. Therefore, the solar system in our school offsets approximately 18,245 units*.09 kilograms = 16,425 kilograms (or 16,425 metric tons) of Co2 emissions per year.

Foot ball
Volley ball
Throw ball